Tuesday, December 27, 2011

life updates.

i got home yesterday from 5 weeks in costa rica.
week 1: lost luggage, spanish school, homestay, partying with mama tica, jelly shots, salsa dancing, drunken beach excursion, snorkeling, sexy tico boys, nachos bar, imperial beer, great new friends.
week 2/3: long bus rides, sexy tico man, frog searching, dolphin searching, beach tanning, boat tanning, naughty spanish learning, tobogganing on my face down a hill, jungle exploring, hammock napping, lazy afternoons, mosquito net snuggles, wild life rescue, scratching a bossy spider monkey, conch shell showers, new life backup plan.
week 4/5: tour, zip lining, waterfall rappelling, sunning, shopping, beach walking, volcano hiking, waking up to howler monkeys, skinny dipping, more sexy ticos, beach lunches, ear infection, cute puppies, the grinch, walk-offs, broken cameras, hot springs, departures.

new life plan if all fails: move there and find me a sexy tico boy with 30 abs, sun myself on the beach all day and drink mojitos.

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